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Housing fund out this month

JAKARTA: The government will disburse facility of housing fund for 2011 as much as IDR3.57 trillion by mid of this month, supporting low-income people to build their own houses.Central Public Service Agency of Housing Loan has remaining IDR1.5 trillion

JAKARTA: The government will disburse facility of housing fund for 2011 as much as IDR3.57 trillion by mid of this month, supporting low-income people to build their own houses.Central Public Service Agency of Housing Loan has remaining IDR1.5 trillion from last years budget.The government will disburse the fund for Housing Facility for 2011 in the middle of the month. The fund will be transferred to managing bank as the credit issuer, orprovider if housing loan, said Margustienny, Head of the agency yesterday.This year, the government targets to disburse mortgage loan for 21,000 houses for people with income below IDR4.5 million a month. Ministry of Public Housing has already signed an agreement in mortgage loan with four banks, namely Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN), BTN Syariah, Bank Bukopin, dan BNI.The agreement is also signed by other nine regional development banks in Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara, and Borneo.Ministry of Public Housing since last year has developed a housing fund policy for low-income people supported by Mortgage Fund Facility, said Deputy of Financing at the ministry Sri Hartoyo.The measure, as he added, applies single sigit interest rate and fixed terms, known as fixed rate mortgage.The existing mortgage loan facility is to facilitate mortgage loan of IDR80 million at most. (T04/NOM)

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