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Indonesian stocks lose 4.45 points

JAKARTA: Opening today's session, Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) slipped 0.13%. JCI fell -4.45 points to 3,544.190 from yesterday closing 3,548.64. The index moved within the range of 3,542.94-3,554.55.Among 423 shares in the index, for every two shares

JAKARTA: Opening today's session, Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) slipped 0.13%. JCI fell -4.45 points to 3,544.190 from yesterday closing 3,548.64. The index moved within the range of 3,542.94-3,554.55.Among 423 shares in the index, for every two shares that rose, one fell.PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia led the decline with -1.44 points, followed by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia with -1.19 points, PT Bank Negara Indonesia with -0.54 point and PT Indotambang Raya with -0.2 point.Shares that retrained further reduction were PT Bank Central Asia with 1.44 points, PT Astra International with 1.43 points, PT Gudang Garam with 1.13 points and PT Perusahaan Gas Negara with 0.71 point.Among nine sectoral indexes in IDX, seven of them gave negative contribution, motored by finance with -53.63%, infrastructure, utility and transportation with -23.60%, consumer goods with -16.16% and basic industry and chemical with -15.20%.In line with slump in the index, BISNIS-27 was also down by 0.55 points to 300.34 from 300.90 on yesterday closing. The index moved between 299.75-301.36. (T05/NOM)

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Penulis : News Editor


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